Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Collaborative Presentation Update

Our group will be presenting "Definitions and Descriptions" on Tuesday, March 18th to the class. So far, our group has met durning two class periods where we have introduced ourselves and have been working on becoming familiar with the definitions and descriptions. We also discussed who will be responsible for researching the specific talking points of definitions and descriptions and what examples we will provide to the class. Furthermore, we assigned specific presentations duties such as, who will put the final presentation together, who will write and revise the references page and who will provide different document examples. This coming Thursday we will collaborate more on the organization of the presentation and what information we have found while conducting our research. I have also provided a link below that provides effective steps to working on group projects.



  1. That's a super helpful link that you've added to your blog post. I did not know until now that there were resources available on how to come together as a group and create the best result possible. It can be tough to do that, since every person is so unique and each person has their own individual perspectives that can occasionally clash. That link has simple and effective information on how to split up projects appropriately and how to bring out the best in each person. Looking forward to your group's presentation on definitions and descriptions.

    1. Thank you Taylor, I am glad you found the link helpful! Hopefully you can use it in the future as well.

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